Stuffed Baked Potatoes Recipe (Kumbir Tarifi

Stuffed Baked Potatoes Recipe


  1. 6-7 medium potatoes
  2. 200 g ground beef
  3. 1 onion
  4. 1 cup tomato juice
  5. 1 egg
  6. 1 tablespoon corn oil
  7. 1 tablespoon tomato paste
  8. 1 cup hot water
  9. Salt and pepper
  10. 3 sprigs fresh basil


Wash the potatoes in boiling water was added a teaspoon of salt and boil alive in consistency. Drain and peel away the chill on the quarry. Chop the scooped out insides clean çıkarın.Soğanı. Chop the basil. Get the meat in a deep bowl. Onion, basil, one egg, add salt and pepper mix. Potato mixture into the baking dish into a heat resistant paylaştırın.Patates dolmalarını. In a separate bowl, tomato paste, tomato juice, a cup of hot water and stir mısırözüyağı. Pour the prepared sauce and potatoes moving them. A preheated oven set to 160 degrees and cook for 20-25 minutes. Meanwhile, during the cooking sauce in baking pan with a spoon and pour a little by moving the pointer on top of potatoes. Cook until potatoes are thoroughly tender. Remove from heat. Serve hot.

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